All creators who participate in the UNIcréa fair have been selected. Our selection criteria are the quality of your work, your know-how, the originality of your works and your conviviality! The selection is reviewed at each edition in order to present the public with a wide variety of new creations. All applications are to be submitted to the organisers, who alone are entitled to decide on the admission of creators and their allocation to a UNIvers.
Life in a castle!
The UNIcréa fair is organised in historic locations that everyone must respect. Here are some "rules" that we ask you to follow:
- Of course, no holes are allowed in the castle, not even a tiny bug!
- The pitches must be left in a clean and tidy condition.
We choose your location according to your work.
The size of the pitches is 6m2. The pitches are allocated by the UNIcréa team and identified on the floor. There is no separation between the pitches. Each pitch must be kept in a professional manner and in a constant state of cleanliness. All your transport material (cardboard, bubble wrap ...) must be stored in your vehicles, and your stock stored in a way that is not visible to the public.
Financial Participation
Pitches: CHF 750,- All pitches are at the same price for the 4 days of the exhibition. No percentage is taken from sales made during the show. No additional fees or taxes will be added to this amount.
Termination - Withdrawal
The payment of your participation constitutes a firm commitment. It is not refundable in case of withdrawal. The organisers reserve the right to cancel the exhibition up to one month before the scheduled date. In this case, the registration fee will be returned in full to the creators.
Responsibilities - Insurance
Any damage caused to the building and furniture by the exhibitor's installations or creations will be assessed by the venue's management and the exhibitor will be responsible for repairing the damage. The organisers do not cover any risk concerning the exhibitors, their civil liability being reserved. The organisers are not liable for any loss or damage to the exhibits and exhibition materials for any reason whatsoever. They are also not liable for any theft or damage that exhibitors may cause to third parties as a result of their participation.
Photographs of your creations
The images you send us may be used for the communication tools of the Show: Flyer, Poster, Press Kit, Website, Articles, etc. The exhibitor authorizes the UNIcréa team to take images (photos or videos) of his work. These images may be used for the sole purpose of promoting the UNIcréa Show.
Only the designers selected to present their jewellery can offer jewellery for sale during the show.
The organisers reserve the right to refuse entry to the event to any person whose behaviour in their opinion justifies such action.